- Antonis Vaos was born in Milos in 1958. He studied visual arts at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and completed his doctoral thesis at Panteion University. He is a Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras, specializing in: "Educational Programmes and Teaching Visual Arts". From 2007 to 2011 he was Creative Director of the Art Workshops of the Municipality of Rio and has served as Coordinator of the Municipality of Patras Visual Arts Workshop since 2013. He has published four books on the teaching of art. His work has been published in Greek and international journals, collective volumes and conference proceedings. He has presented his artwork in both solo and group exhibitions.

- Angeliki Vellopoulou is a Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras, Greece. She graduated from the Pedagogical Department of Kindergarten Teachers of the University of Patras. She obtained a Master’s Degree (D.E.A.), in Educational Sciences from the University of Provence Aix-Marseille I and a PhD from the University of Patras. She has worked as a Kindergarten Teacher in private and public kindergartens, while at the same time she worked in adult continuing education structures. She has specialized in the design-development, implementation and evaluation of educational programs aimed at preschool and first school-age children. Her research interests focus on topics related to Curriculum and educational design, Didactic transformation, play and its relationship with learning and teaching in children's education, teaching and learning of science concepts for kindergarten children, initial and continuum education and training of Kindergarten teachers. She is a Member of the Board of OMEP Greece (Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Prescolaire), a scientific, NGO.

- Bachelor's Degree from the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras, Master's Degree in Education Sciences from the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras with a specialisation in "Teaching Methodologies and Educational Psychology", PhD in Education Sciences from the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras. Lecturer since 2009 at the Department of Education Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras, promoted to Assistant Professor in "Preschool Education" (GG vol. C’ 798/25-6-2014). Coordinator of Practicum for D.E.S.E.C.E. undergraduate students.

- Thanasis Karalis is a Professor of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education at the Department of Education Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras and serves as Director of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Lifelong Education. He has collaborated with numerous organisations as an educator, consultant, coordinator and evaluator of education and training programmes. He has taught courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate level on planning and evaluation in adult education (Department of Economics of the University of Patras, Department of Primary Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Democritus University of Thrace). He is a member of the Quality Assurance Unit and sits on the Board of Directors of the Education and Lifelong Learning Centre (KEDIVIM) of the University of Patras. He has been a collaborator of the Hellenic Open University since 1998, helping develop the educational material for the module "Adult Education", in which he participated a member of the Associate Teaching Faculty (ATF) and as Coordinator. He is currently an ATF member and the coordinator of the module “Planning, Organisation and Evaluation” (EKE 51) of the Postgraduate Study Programme “Adult Education”. He has provided expertise and conducted research for public and social institutions (indicatively: General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning (GGDVM), National Accreditation Centre for Continuing Vocational Training (EKEPIS)/National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), Labour Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE GSEE) and the Small Business Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE) regarding the necessity, evaluation and implementation of lifelong learning policies. He has participated in 33 research projects in the field of lifelong learning and adult education, and served as scientific coordinator for 16 of these. He was the scientific coordinator of the research project "Study regarding incentives and barriers to employee participation in lifelong learning programmes", implemented by the Small Business Institute of the GSEVEE and the Labour Institute of the GSEE. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Adult Education Association (EEEE), of which he was a founding member, and is also a member of the (EEEE) and also sits on the Scientific Board of the Centre for the Development of Educational Policy (KANEP) of the GSEE. He has published over 110 research papers in Greek, English and French, including ten books.

- Maria Kentrota was born in Piraeus in 1972. In 1991, she successfully sat the entrance examinations for the Athens School of Fine Arts, achieving first place. She served as an educator in primary, secondary and post-secondary (Vocational Training Institutes, VTI) public and private education (2nd VTI of Patras, 2nd TEE of Perama, TEE & VTI Omega Athens, Xenopoulos School in Palaio Faliro, M. Labiri Educational Institutions in Moschato), as well as in the Municipal Cultural Development Enterprise of Rio. Since 2003 she has served as a Special and Laboratory Teaching Staff in the course “Didactics of Fine Arts” at the Department of Education Sciences and Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras. Between 1991 and 1997 she studied Painting at the Workshop of Prof. D. Kokkinidis. Alongside her studies in painting, she studied Hagiography at the Workshop of Professor K. Xynopoulos and the art of Mosaics at the Workshop of Professor G. Valavanidis. She also studied Education and Psychology of Education under Professor A. Danassis and History of Art under Professor M. L. Plaka. Between 1997 and 1999 she attended the Sculpture Department at the Athens School of Fine Arts, participating in the Workshop of Professor Th. Panourias. In 2002 she elected to continue her studies at the Athens School of Fine Arts with the purpose of obtaining a second degree, this time from the Department of Engraving and the Workshop of Prof. V. Kazakos. Concurrently with her studies in engraving, she attended a course in Didactics of Art with Professor T. S. Doukoumetzidou, and a course in Scenography at the Workshop of Professor G. Ziakas.

- Assistant Professor in the subject: "Aesthetic theory and education" (GG: 317/19-5-2011 She holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens. She attended the postgraduate programme at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (fields of study: Philosophy, Aesthetics). She holds a master’s degree in D.E.A. (field: Philosophy of Culture) as well as a Doctorate in Philosophy (Doctorat in Philosophy of Art) from Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne. She has also attended training seminars in “Open and Distance Education” (2016). Teaching Experience: Teaching staff at the T.E.E.A.P.I. since 1999, initially as a lecturer, subsequently as an assistant professor, then with tenure, and since 2011 as an associate professor. Aesthetic theories, Aesthetic Education and History of Art. She also teaches the course “Approaches to Aesthetic Theory and Education” as part of the specialisation “Literature, Art and Culture in Education” of the T.E.E.A.P.I. postgraduate study programme. Between 2008 and 2011 she coordinated and taught the course “Aesthetic Education” in the postgraduate study programme “Culture and Education” at Harokopio University. She has also served as an educator in simulation programmes for Nursery and Primary School teachers from the departments of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education of the University of the Aegean (1997-1999) and as a scientific collaborator of the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art at the T.E.I. of Athens (1991 - 2007). She is also a member of the Hellenic Open University’s Associate Teaching Faculty (ATF), teaching the “History of Arts” course in the European Culture study programme. She is the coordinator for the Aesthetics and Arts Education Unit of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Lifelong Education at the T.E.E.A.P.I. of the University of Patras. She is a member of the International Society for Education through Art (INSEA), the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), the European Society for Aesthetics (ESA) and the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics. She also serves as a reviewer for Greek and international journals on philosophy, education and the arts (Deucalion, International Journal of Learning, International Journal of the Arts in Society, etc.) Research Interests Her scientific and research interests focus on the fields of philosophical aesthetics and philosophy of art, theory and philosophy of aesthetic education, as well as the relationships between aesthetic theory and aesthetic education and between aesthetics and art education.