Alexandra Mouriki

Assistant Professor in the subject: "Aesthetic theory and education" (GG: 317/19-5-2011
She holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens. She attended the
postgraduate programme at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (fields of
study: Philosophy, Aesthetics).
She holds a master’s degree in D.E.A. (field: Philosophy of Culture) as well as a Doctorate in Philosophy
(Doctorat in Philosophy of Art) from Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne.
She has also attended training seminars in “Open and Distance Education” (2016).
Teaching Experience: Teaching staff at the T.E.E.A.P.I. since 1999, initially as a lecturer, subsequently as an
assistant professor, then with tenure, and since 2011 as an associate professor. Aesthetic theories, Aesthetic
Education and History of Art. She also teaches the course “Approaches to Aesthetic Theory and Education” as
part of the specialisation “Literature, Art and Culture in Education” of the T.E.E.A.P.I. postgraduate study
programme. Between 2008 and 2011 she coordinated and taught the course “Aesthetic Education” in the
postgraduate study programme “Culture and Education” at Harokopio University. She has also served as an
educator in simulation programmes for Nursery and Primary School teachers from the departments of Early
Childhood Education and Primary Education of the University of the Aegean (1997-1999) and as a scientific
collaborator of the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art at the T.E.I. of Athens (1991 -
2007). She is also a member of the Hellenic Open University’s Associate Teaching Faculty (ATF), teaching the
“History of Arts” course in the European Culture study programme.
She is the coordinator for the Aesthetics and Arts Education Unit of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research
and Lifelong Education at the T.E.E.A.P.I. of the University of Patras.
She is a member of the International Society for Education through Art (INSEA), the International Association
for Aesthetics (IAA), the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), the European Society for Aesthetics (ESA)
and the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics.
She also serves as a reviewer for Greek and international journals on philosophy, education and the arts
(Deucalion, International Journal of Learning, International Journal of the Arts in Society, etc.)
Research Interests
Her scientific and research interests focus on the fields of philosophical aesthetics and philosophy of art,
theory and philosophy of aesthetic education, as well as the relationships between aesthetic theory and
aesthetic education and between aesthetics and art education.