Vassiliki Riga

Dr Riga is an Associate Professor at the Department of Education Sciences and Early Childhood Education of
the University of Patras, in the field “Theatrical Expression, Rhythm and Movement in Preschool Education”.
She is a graduate of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science and holds a Specialisation
Diploma in "Competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics" as well as a Diploma in "Sports Journalism" from the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki (1990). She holds a Master's Degree (D.E.A., 1991) and a PhD (Doctorat, 1995) in
"Sciences and Theory of Forms of Education" from the Doctoral School of Humanities of Strasbourg (U.S.H.S.,
France), as well as a Certificate of Postgraduate Training in "Open and Distance Education" (1999) from the
Hellenic Open University. She was awarded a scholarship from of the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.)
for her undergraduate studies and a scholarship from the School of Strasbourg for her postgraduate studies.
Since 1997 she has collaborated with the Universities of Athens and Thessaly, the Hellenic Open University, the TEI of Athens and numerous higher education institutions in Europe and the USA. She spent autumn semester 2015-2016 as a visiting professor at Villanova University, Department of Communication, USA, where she conducted extensive research in the field of "Performance Studies". She has extensive experience as an adult educator and coordinator of European and international programmes, and is an expert and evaluator of Adult Educators and Study Programmes at the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (E.O.P.P.E.P.). She has served as coordinator and organiser of the D.E.S.E.C.E. Children's Festival ( since 2010. (
She served as Scientific Coordinator (2006-2009) and scientific advisor (2000-2009) of the Non-Governmental Organisation "Society for the Development and Creative Employment of Children" and sits on the seven- member International Standards Advisory Board of the ISSA (International Step by Step Association). She is currently a member of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Lifelong Learning of the T.E.E.A.P.I., the OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour L'Éducation Préscolaire), the ITRA (International Toy Research Association), the El.Ep.E.Ps. (Hellenic Scientific Society of Psycho-kinetics), the IPLA (International Physical Literacy Association), the Panhellenic Network for Theatre in Education and the E.E.E.E. (Hellenic Adult Education Association).
She has served as the country lead for Physical Literacy in Greece since 2022, and is an IPLA certified trainer. She was instrumental in establishing and coordinating the Network for Physical Literacy in Greece
Since 1997 she has collaborated with the Universities of Athens and Thessaly, the Hellenic Open University, the TEI of Athens and numerous higher education institutions in Europe and the USA. She spent autumn semester 2015-2016 as a visiting professor at Villanova University, Department of Communication, USA, where she conducted extensive research in the field of "Performance Studies". She has extensive experience as an adult educator and coordinator of European and international programmes, and is an expert and evaluator of Adult Educators and Study Programmes at the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (E.O.P.P.E.P.). She has served as coordinator and organiser of the D.E.S.E.C.E. Children's Festival ( since 2010. (
She served as Scientific Coordinator (2006-2009) and scientific advisor (2000-2009) of the Non-Governmental Organisation "Society for the Development and Creative Employment of Children" and sits on the seven- member International Standards Advisory Board of the ISSA (International Step by Step Association). She is currently a member of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Lifelong Learning of the T.E.E.A.P.I., the OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour L'Éducation Préscolaire), the ITRA (International Toy Research Association), the El.Ep.E.Ps. (Hellenic Scientific Society of Psycho-kinetics), the IPLA (International Physical Literacy Association), the Panhellenic Network for Theatre in Education and the E.E.E.E. (Hellenic Adult Education Association).
She has served as the country lead for Physical Literacy in Greece since 2022, and is an IPLA certified trainer. She was instrumental in establishing and coordinating the Network for Physical Literacy in Greece